My life may not perfect but it is blessed because I have a wonderful Lord and Savior who knows me and loves me anyway!

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

A day in the life of a toddler

Today, I have the pleasure of babysitting!  My daughter was lined up to watch these sweet little ones but due to a nasty illness, I am taking her place.  It has been a while since I have had to think like a toddler!  I have forgotten just how much you have to stay one step ahead of them!  They are busy little boogers!

Today, I am with a three year old boy who immerses himself in cars, magic markers, and Mickey Mouse cartoons!  I did not raise a son so the bathroom adventures are quite the experience too!  I forget that they are just learning to "aim" at the potty and they make the funniest faces when they need to go number 2, IF they stop long enough from playing to even make it to the potty for number 2!  Bribery is everything!  I wonder if Mom and Dad have ever played "Sink the Cheerios" with him?  A game that I remember my friend who raised a son used to play.  We might give it a try this afternoon! 

Later we will go pick up big sister from kindergarten.  This will make for lots more entertainment!  They are so excited at that age as they absorb everything around them!  I love nothing more than watching a child learn!  It makes me miss my early days with mine.  Learning was so much fun and I loved trying to come up with creative things to do.  I am not ready to be called grandma anytime soon, but I know I will make a great grandparent! 

It is time for lunch so it is time to cut up things into little bites and try to get him to sit still long enough to eat!  I'm thinking hot dogs or grilled PB & J!  We may both be ready for a nap after stuffing ourselves with these toddler treats!

They grow up so fast and I can't help but reminiscing about my child getting ready to graduate next year.  It flies way too fast.......

Have a blessed day everyone!

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